Seal Exterior Brick walls add a timeless charm and attraction to closed structures. But, without proper sealing, these walls are vulnerable to water infiltration, weathering, and deterioration. Therefore, sealing an exterior brick wall is a crucial step in ensuring its longevity and protecting the structure. In this blog, we will explore various methods and practices for covering a brick wall.

Cleaning and Preparation

Before applying any sealant, it is essential to clean the brick wall. Dirt, debris, mold, and mildew can hinder the adhesion of the sealant and compromise its effectiveness. Start by using a pressure washer or a stiff brush with a mild detergent to remove surface contaminants. Stubborn stains may require strong cleaning agents.

Once the wall is clean, inspect it for any cracks, gaps, or damaged mortar joints. Address these issues by filling and repairing as necessary. A sound surface provides a solid foundation for the sealant to adhere to, enhancing its overall performance.

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Selecting the Right Sealant

Choosing the appropriate sealant is crucial for the sealing process. There are several types of sealants available, each with its specific characteristics and applications:

  1. Penetrating Sealers: These sealers are designed to penetrate the porous surface of the brick, creating a hydrophobic barrier. Penetrating sealers allow the brick to retain its natural appearance while providing excellent protection against water intrusion. They are suitable for climates with frequent rain or high humidity.
  2. Film-Forming Sealers: Film-forming sealers create a protective layer on the surface of the brick, offering a glossy or matte finish. They are more visible than penetrating sealers and can alter the appearance of the brick to some extent. Film-forming sealers are best suited for areas with high exposure to UV rays or extreme weather conditions.
  3. Silane/Siloxane Sealers: Silane and siloxane sealers are a popular choice for brick walls due to their ability to repel water and provide excellent breathability. They offer a balance between penetration and film-forming properties, making them suitable for various climates and environments.

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Application Techniques

Proper application of the selected sealant is critical to achieving an effective seal on the exterior brick wall. Follow these steps for a long-lasting finish:

  1. Test on a Small Area: Before applying the sealant to the entire wall, test it on a small inconspicuous area to ensure compatibility.
  2. Weather Considerations: Choose a day with mild temperatures and low humidity. Extreme heat or cold can affect the drying process and the overall effectiveness of the sealant.
  3. Even Coating: Use a brush, roller, or sprayer to apply the sealant on the brick wall. Avoid puddling or uneven coverage, as it can lead to inconsistent protection.
  4. Multiple Coats: Depending on the type of sealant and the porosity of the brick, multiple coats may be necessary for optimal results. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the number of coats and drying time between applications.

Regular Maintenance

Sealing an exterior brick wall is not a one-time task; regular maintenance is essential to ensure continued protection. Over time, sealants may wear off due to weathering, UV exposure, or general wear and tear. Regularly inspect the brick wall for signs of water penetration or damage and reapply the sealant as needed.


Sealing an exterior brick wall is a crucial step in preserving its beauty and structural integrity. By choosing the right sealant, properly preparing the surface, and following the correct application techniques, you can create a strong barrier against water infiltration and weathering. Regular maintenance ensures that the sealant remains effective, prolonging the life of the brick wall and maintaining its aesthetic appeal for years to come.

Connect with Sky Chemical Services and ensure a long-lasting structure!

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