
Sky Chemical Services

Construction Chemical Supplier in Karachi

We provide waterproofing, Polyurethane insulation and heat proofing chemicals in Karachi

Best Chemical Application Service in Karachi

Sky Chemical Services have experience in working with a variety of customer throughout the years in the domain of construction chemical supplying and application works. With over 10+ years of industry experience, our experts will perform 360° solutions that start from procuring chemicals into the site, to the application of the chemicals. Our experts will bring our equipment along with all protective measures needed during the job. Rest assured; your chemical protection work will be done most professionally sound as they come.

Our Services

All our solutions are of utmost quality


Sky Chemical Services is second to none when it comes to waterproofing chemicals. We have a portfolio that’s hardly available anywhere in Karachi. We offer a wide range of chemicals along with more heavy-duty water-resistant materials such as bitumen membrane sheets in Karachi.

PU Foam Spray

The main role of Polyurethane insulation is to reduce high temperature over your roof and walls. We, at Sky Chemical Services, are equipped with the most advanced methods required to apply PU foam spray along with all the security precautions needed, as per your industry requirements.

Heat Proofing

Heat Proofing chemicals is essential in today’s time and age with all the dangers of global warming threatening the well-being of ours and our loved ones. With Sky Chemical Services' experience in the department of sun-reflective paint application, you’ll be relieved of extreme heat over the roof.

Sky Chemical Services aims to set a benchmark for quality and top-class customer services.

Protection for years

With over 5+ years of chemical protection

Heat Waves

Our Heat proofing chemicals will provide overall protection from high temperatures during the summer season. Although it helps reduce the heat over the roof exceptionally well during heat waves.


A home no matter how well build needs to have precautionary measures in place for rainwater. The leakage over the roof is reduced through our waterproofing chemical application in Karachi.

Wall Leakage

The reason could be known or unknown for the wall leakage. Thanks to the waterproofing chemicals application, the wall leakage and seepage are fully treated for several years.

Bathroom Leakage

The leakage is a common sight in almost everyone’s bathroom. This can only be fixed with a holistic approach of the chemical application using tiles grouting and passing chemicals over sewerage lines.

Basement Leakage

There’s hardly a better solution to counter basement leakage than the application of waterproofing chemicals. It’s applied in layers so that no future leakage ever comes at bay.

Water Tank Leakage

One thing for every concrete water tank, that they will get decay over time and start leaking uncontrollably. Before that day comes, make sure you waterproof it using resistant chemicals.

PU Foam Spray

When the heat gets out of control no matter what you do, it’s time to use the final trump card of protection, in the form of Polyurethane Insulation foam spray application, which we provide to our clients.

Daily Schedule

Monday To Friday

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